structural linguistics

美 [ˌstrʌktʃərəl lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪks]英 [ˌstrʌktʃərəl lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪks]
  • n.结构主义语言学(把语言作为相关联的结构体系)
structural linguisticsstructural linguistics


the part of linguistics that deals with language as a system of related structures


linguistics defined as the analysis of formal structures in a text or discourse
Synonym: structuralism


  1. The impacts of structural linguistics on foreign language education are the audiolingual method , the emphasis on the spoken form , the objectivity of rule presentation and of language testing results .


  2. Structural linguistics ushered in a new era for the study of language transformation at the synchronic aspect . Since 1960s , along with the start of " semantic turn ", language transformation with meaning as its invariant has become the focus linguistic research .


  3. The impact generated by structural linguistics was deep and wide .


  4. Comparison on Language Concept and Linguistic Methods between Structural Linguistics and TG


  5. The Theoretical Origin of American Structural Linguistics


  6. He is the first scholar adopts theoretical methods of structural linguistics to study Chinese grammar successfully .


  7. Structural linguistics reduces its research to the plain internal structure of language to explain all grammatical forms .


  8. Structural linguistics gave rise to Levi-Strauss 's structural anthropology .


  9. The language basis of this method is structural linguistics and its mental fundation is behaviorism and transfer theory .


  10. Forming a connecting link in the linguistics development , Leonard Bloomfield played an very important role in the history of structural linguistics study .


  11. Related researches are mainly made from such aspects as rhetoric perspective , Structural Linguistics , Functional Grammar , Critical Linguistics and conceptual metaphors .


  12. Bloomfield , in his Language , lays the theoretical foundation of American Structural Linguistics by adopting Watson 's behaviorism .


  13. The existential sentence in English has been a hot research topic of different linguistic schools , including structural linguistics , generative linguistics and functional linguistics .


  14. This paper describes the three periods of development of external contrastive linguistics and the corresponding studying methods & the methods of structural linguistics and transforming linguistics and comprehension .


  15. The paper also makes a reflection of the ups and downs of American structuralism on the basis of a comparison between structural linguistics and TG grammar .


  16. The theoretical foundation of structuralism is Structural Linguistics which originated from Saussure 's theories and Transformational-Generative Grammar which actually developed from the former .


  17. Structural linguistics neglects the relations of language with its surrounding and rejects the facts which history , social sciences or cultural science could offer for the understanding of language .


  18. Based on structural linguistics and behavioral psychology , traditional approach of listening teaching only focuses on the form and structure of the language and regards the listening process as a passive and static one .


  19. In the 1950s and 1960s , Contrastive Analysis ( CA ), which was based on behaviorism and structural linguistics theoretically , was widely employed to analyze learners ' errors .


  20. Many linguistic schools , like structural linguistics , generative linguistics and functional linguistics , have their own views on syntax and have made their contribution to the study of clause patterns .


  21. Grammar translation method and other teaching approaches influenced by structural linguistics , transformational generative linguistics and behaviorist psychology advocate a passive and ' bottom-up ' view of the reading process .


  22. All the repeatedly occurring infidelity among the translators is labeled as an act of treason by critics in the philological and structural linguistics paradigms of translation studies .


  23. In this paper , the language of current media image was analyzed from the basic concepts of structural linguistics to the post-structuralism ( deconstruction ) . namely the transition from semasiology to pragmatics .


  24. One-dimensional language has spread over everyday life and mass media , the latter was one of the critical topics of Adorno ' s. This is the first era of media with the structural linguistics as its background .


  25. In this paper , the anthor gets first-hand material during the investigation , using the inductive method of structural linguistics , sorting out phonetic system of Hengxian ( Gulv ) patois and its voice features .


  26. Semiotics is derived from the structural linguistics , all the forms of expressions could be seen as symbols , and the meanings of symbol depend on the practice , relationships and systems that accumulated by history , culture and social realities .


  27. Derived from phenomenological philosophy and structural linguistics , his literary theory is founded on " the mode of existence of a literary work of art ", which considers the work of literature as " a whole system of signs or structure of signs " .


  28. Structural linguistics is the theoretical frame of the way of hearing and saying by the psychoanalytic school , while another understanding of the behavior of healing and saying is the basis for the rather different style of hearing and saying by the cognitive school .


  29. Functional Grammar , in contrast to structural linguistics which gives language the abstract and stative description , regards language as an instrument of social communication and studies language forms from its corresponding meanings . It emphasizes functions of language and the relationship between functions and forms .


  30. The two most influential theories in the modern linguistics-American structural descriptive linguistics and Chomsky 's TG grammar are surveyed .
